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Weruva’s Low Phosphorus Food Philosophy

By Chris Langellotti   •   3 minute read

Weruva’s Low Phosphorus Food Philosophy

Have you become more aware of the phosphorus levels in your pet’s food, or do you think you should be? You may have heard that low phosphorus pet food can benefit certain cats and dogs. You may also be curious why phosphorus levels matter in pet food at all.

Maybe you’ve noticed that Weruva’s foods have a lower phosphorus level than many other brands, and you want to learn why. Whatever landed you here today, we know you have a curiosity around phosphorus levels in pet food and we’re here to help you understand our personal philosophy on phosphorus.

Weruva’s Philosophy

At Weruva, we are inspired by founders David and Stacie Forman and the love for their adopted cats, Webster, Rudi, and Vanessa. The cats that inspired the name Weruva.

They loved their animals enough to want to feed them the best. They also understood that everyone wants their pet to live an “Awesome Happy Awesome Healthy” life. When nothing on the market really met their standards for pet food, they sourced quality ingredients and created the recipes themselves!

When you attempt to craft something great—especially if nothing else like it exists—you need guiding principles and philosophies. We have many, but our philosophies about ingredients and processes are most relevant to this topic.

Weruva believes the best ingredients make the best food. And the best food yields the best nutritional results. And—the best processes are the simplest and the safest.

The benefits of these philosophies are evident in every product we make. In fact, when it comes to phosphorus in pet food, Weruva offers more lower phosphorus foods for cats and lower phosphorus foods for dogs when compared to many other brands.

What about Phosphorus?

Even though only a tiny amount is required, phosphorus is an essential nutrient for cats and dogs. One that they cannot produce on their own and must get through their diet. However, too much of anything is rarely good; the same applies to phosphorus.

Our Wx Phos Focused foods contain our lowest phosphorus formulas. The phosphorus content is so low that the food is categorized as supplemental feed and is not complete and balanced per AAFCO guidelines. Yet, the formulas maintain adequate high-quality protein to satisfy your obligate carnivores.

But what about all the other foods we make? Why does the amount of phosphorus in our foods seem consistently lower than that of many other companies, even with our high protein and moisture levels?

Phosphorus is a significant building block of bone. The vast majority of meats used in the pet industry are not boneless. It is too easy to accidentally over-supplement cats and dogs by leaving the bone in the foodespecially in unknown and unmeasured amounts.

We Do Things Differently

All the meats used in Weruva products are boneless according to human consumption standards. Our foods supplement cats and dogs with precise phosphorus measurement through a vitamin pack.

Weruva Unifying Qualities

Not only does this result in more meat for your money, but it also allows you to be more confident in what you are actually feeding. That is a big difference!

So, why are all our foods lower in phosphorus than many others? We prioritize quality ingredients and processes. Our philosophies ensure your pets get the meat they need without excess minerals. We also offer a variety of textures and flavors to ensure every pet has options they love.

No Bones About It!

We hope this helps explain why Weruva's food is special in terms of high-quality ingredients and low phosphorus levels.

For more information on our products or to further understand Weruva’s difference in the pet food industry, please explore our website for detailed nutritional information, purchase directly, or find a store in your neighborhood.

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